Assume Nothing! Question Everything!

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Location: Las Vegas, Nevada, United States

Thursday, September 15, 2005


Please consider signing this should you agree with it's content after reading it with it's simple to the point language. NESARA reads much like the original document of the Constitution...

The pernicious actions of many of our leaders over these many years should be the eye opener needed to do something innovative, courageous with an eye on peaceful resolutions to the worlds problems. Our fore fathers showed great courage and resolve all those many years ago.. In order to get this nation and this beautiful planet back on "The Peaceful Track", we are obligated do the same..

We are at a serious impasse in our nation. Sanity, compassion and integrity of the spirit must find it's way back into the thoughts, hearts and minds of all peoples.. Only through peaceful action is that even remotely possible..!

has laid out it's simple truths! The phenomenal power of this great universe has worked through those who have been touched by the wondrous possibilities of NESARA, and it has given believers of truth and justice the power to keep it alive, until it's time.. It's my belief it's time has come and it's now time to usher in the power of love that the God of the entire universe would approve of. The God who loves this planet Earth and all her peoples would like all of it's inhabitants to be able to find a resting place, where contemplation, not impatience, where Charity, not greed, resides...

Feed back is always welcomed...

The Dare To Dream Network Team
has signed
and pray you will give serious consideration to signing as well.

Barbara, Dan, Gene, Charles, Jan..
When Dreams Die, So Goes Greatness!
Assume Nothing! Question Everything!